Tuesday, 25 September 2007

How Can I Put This So You Will Understand?

He still doesn't get it. The money thing. He still doesn't get that he has to pay his debts, he still doesn't get that I am not taking all his money and having wild parties. Every penny goes towards paying off his debts, every penny and not one goes towards raising his sons. Yet he hints at how much money he thinks I am getting and how I should be using that to pay the debts. Presumably we should then live off fresh air.

I have positive signals of work, or at least an interview which is a step in the right direction. Oh I hope but then, as soon as I start earning he will feel the need to pay up less and less. I worry I will end up paying his debts off and ending up in a worse state.

I wish for a guardian angel, I wish it could all be gone and we three could get on with our lives. He is the complication, he is the only problem. I am rebuilding the family, I am raising happy and healthy boys who know right from wrong, who know not to lie. And who will know financial sense, I'll make sure of that.

Trust and stupidity, I am guilty of both.

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