Friday, 3 August 2007

Another Month, Another Dilemma

There are the consequences of separation that go beyond the pain in emotions. The ugly head of debt rears its head, the reality of running two households on very little money, the hoops that have to be jumped simply to get money to live from.

And all the while curling up in a corner and sobbing until sleep seems the option that would be the most satisfying. Still to persevere throughout, to tackle the red tape, the bureaucrats, walking through a river of treacle would be easier. It has to be done, the crying can come later when the details are sorted, it is expected.

There are a couple of weeks left of the summer holidays. This is not what was planned, this is not how we had reckoned on spending the summer. In a few months time shall we look back on this time with relief that it is over? I hope so.

We are in need of a fairy godmother, guardian angel, someone with a lot of money and a generous disposition. I feel that most of all, by trusting in the person with whom I should have been able to trust wholeheartedly, I have let down my sons. And that is what hurts the most.

1 comment:

Pewari Naan said...

Don't have anything helpful to say, except that I wanted you to know that someone was reading and thinking of you.

My love to you and the hobbits.