I know some day, when I am out of this situation properly, I will laugh til I am sick. You know that photo of Nicole Kidman, when she divorced wee Tom Cruise and was pictured outside the lawyer's office, arms outstretched and face tilted up to the sun with a look of relief on it - I understand that now. I get where she was coming from.
He is now sending emails stating that I should get over him as he has moved on!!! So I have explained, in as plain terms as possible, that I wouldn't take him back if he were covered in gold and dipped in chocolate. He has such an ego, such a selfish swine.
He also presumed that I would be buying him presents (plural) from the boys to him. Well, at school the boys have designed their Christmas card, he can get one of those and that is all. There was also a strange invite for him to pick them up on Saturday for dinner so I asked the boys if they wanted to go to dinner with daddy and her and they looked at me like I had gone mad. No, says eldest, daddy won't play with me then! I like our weekends, they are so much more relaxed than when he was here. The dinner invitation is strange and I can only assume it was to introduce the boys to other people in his new life. Do I force them to go?
Hello there,
I've just seen your ad. in Private Eye, so had a look at your blog. I can't offer you money although I am used to advising people with debt issues. My first suggestion is that you go to the CAB if you haven't already, I know that is basic but it is surprising how many people just don't think about it. They are very good and free. It may be that you can lower the amounts you are paying or even put off settling some of the debt depending on what it is. Are you aware of the terms 'priority' and 'non-priority debt'? Priority debts are any that can either make you homeless or get you sent to prison, e.g rent, mortgage, council tax; non-priority is everything else. It doesn't matter what a non-priority creditor says, there is very little they can do and most of them will be reasonable. It is all down to negotiation which is very often where the CAB can be useful as they do this all the time and tend to be listened to by creditors, it can also be very good for morale to feel that someone is on your side and knows the ropes. If any of the debt is not legally yours I would consider not paying it at all. Most creditors will press for maximum repayment levels and well-meaning, honest types will often end up agreeing impractical schemes. If you have done this I strongly suggest renegotiation. It is possible to have a 'nil offer' accepted in some circumstances, which really means that the debt is simply held by the creditor until such time as you are able to resume payments, also credit card companies should freeze interest charges.
Also, depending on your circumstances you may be eligible for a grant from the United Utilities Trust Fund or the British Gas Trust Fund. You can find them on the net I think, they won't pay debts but may help with arrears of Utility bills or one off necessities like washing machines and fridges.
If you want a more detailed opinion, e-mail me more information at scruffybug@hotmail.com.
Good luck, regards, Dave D.
I think that is great advice David, I feel ashamed at letting myself get into this situation but I suppose they see this all the time.
I was always so careful, it just shows what happens if you let your guard down.
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