Monday, 14 January 2008

This Website May Be Experiencing Difficulties

Of the internet provider kind.

And while I consider how to sort out this new mess, created in an area I had never thought would be problematic, my mother comes up with the opinion that - knowing I do most of my work and contact through the net - he has done this on purpose.

Perhaps a little far fetched but as he is dragging his heels on contacting Tiscali then I do wonder.

Friday, 4 January 2008


He keeps phoning asking to speak to the boys at around 9pm at night.

He knows they go to bed at 8pm.

Go away and stop bothering me.

Is he checking up to ensure I haven't gotten myself a life yet? He tells me, for whatever reason, that he and she have only £40 to live on until he gets paid. Which means either he found someone as stupid as he is with money or he has started spending what is hers.

I think back to when we first started out. When I was at college I worked one job in the evenings and another job at the weekends - I paid the rent and most of the other bills while he, full of ideas and hopes and aspirations that I swallowed hook, line, sinker etc., tried to find his perfect job. In the time we were together he went through 5 career changes and countless jobs within those careers. I never complained because I understood what it was like to feel aimless, not to know where you are heading or what is right for you.

Plus I had gone through similar pains, never lived off of anyone though -I took the idea that while looking you did whatever job you could. Can't live by that now as childcare is a large restriction on that unfortunately (I've realised how many people, especially single parents, couldn't work at all if it weren't for family members helping out in the childcare department.) Still, I suppose that is what marked me out as a fool from the start, that I was so thick - trusting that someones intentions were always honourable. If I were kinder on myself I would say it was naivety due to how I was brought up.

And now, is he doing the same to her? The same line of constantly saying he is about to earn big money so it is okay to do this or that. Only it sounds like she is letting him go ahead whereas I was always cautious - is that where I was controlling? When I got ill and had to hand over dealing with the finances (though I still worked to a budget which he was then controlling) that is where it went wrong. Things that should have been paid (direct debit, very easy, you do nothing) weren't paid. Where did the money go? My mother is always going on about that.

I am rambling, so what is new. It was well after 2am before I got to sleep last night, so an early night for me at the moment. Was woken at 7am in the morning by a delivery man knocking on the door looking for a neighbours house (its a cul-de-sac, how hard can that be?)